Sunday, April 11, 2010

heres a list of things i hate

  • tights as pants: how does anyone think that this looks good? i have never seen anyone pull this off (except for peggy bundy)especially with the stupd friggen roman sandals and baggy vests.there is nothing flattering about exposing your uterus to the world. cleavage is sexy not vagina lips.
  • remakes: leave the classics alone
  • being told smoking is bad for me: no shit haters
  • facebook updates that expect sympathy: seriously go make some real friends
  • people dressing like cool kids from pauly shore movies: didnt work then doesnt work now
  • teenagers who discover punk rock: i myself went through phase and it is as lame now as it was back then
  • that motherfucker who cut me off as i asking john waters a question: you are so dead!
  • eating disorders: hasnt it been proven that they dont work! puke as much as you want you'll still be fat
  • not getting toys for christmas: still pisses me off
  • pap smears:...
  • loling: are you really?
  • matther mcconaughy and kate hudson moves: i wonder what differences they will overcome next
  • the bitches at the mac counter: i have money i know what i want so fucking serve me
  • people who are keeping 2 and half men on the air: what have you done to your brain cells?


  1. i forgot to mention harem pants: tracksuit pants with stillettoes that make your ass look saggy and you look stupid

  2. Honey - you can add lame ass current affairs programs on commercial telly - what a waste of time !
