Saturday, April 17, 2010

heres whats awesome about my friend J.B

the man has the most amazing knowledge of all things hair metal,japenese cult, horror and simpsons!
....i think someone should make a comic book hero of J.B. thatd be fucking rad......

Thursday, April 15, 2010

heres whats shitting me tonight

as i was leaving work tonight i saw i a couple of girls on their way to what i cant only assume was a 'cowboy' themed party. and what pissed me off is that both of them went the slutty cowboy look. i hate themed parties where the theme can be taken to a skanky level. do they really think their the first to dress up as a slutty nurse or a slutty cat. serioulsy whay the fuck??? are they really that desperate for attention?put your snatches away and and stop draing attention to yourselves you look fucking stupid. AND while im on the subject of skanky attire dont wear teeny tiny dress's and then complain how cold it is. AND if your going to wear massive heels (that are extrememly tacky i might add) learn to walk in them.

i fell asleep and forgot what i was writing about ......ummm everyone looks stupid....thatll do

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

heres the story everyone wanted to hear......

foreward: this story was written when i was totally baked. having stopped smoking pot i am not sure if it will still be funny......but here it is. A Cessnock Love Story........

Tamara and Dave net at Cessnok High while sharing a smoke before P.E. She was fifteen he was sixteen. After they hooked up at the school dance Dave told Tamara he sneeked some bacardi breezers from his mum's shed he asked her if she wanted to go to the bush party and smoke cones and get pissed and shit. Tamara replied with a "fuck yeah'. Her mum was working late at steggles and her dad probably at the pub, so she had a few hours before she needed to be home.
After Tamara had two breezers and dave had himself a cone the two snuck off in to the bush. Because she was totally smashed she allowed dave to slip her some digits and afterwards she gave dave his (and her) first blow job.
The following week at school Tamara was in an absolute panic because when she performed oral sex on dave a bit semen trickled down her throat and now she feared she might be pregnant. Luckily her very sexually active friend Shelly assured her that there is no way she can get pregnant from swallowing nor could you pregnant your first time and if you stand up immediately after sex.
With her new found knowledge Tamare headed straight to daves after school bringing a copy of her favourite movie, '10 things i hate about you" . After the first 20 minutes Dave called heath ledger a fag and desided to put on 'American Pie' cos its really funny when that guy fucks the pie and that chick gets her tits out.
Onnce shannon elizabeths breast were exposed dave could no longer hide his erection and suggested that he and tamara should have sex. They undressed and dave assured tamara that he was awesome in the sack because he lost virginity to an 18 year old from Nelson Bay when he was 12.. After 3 powerful thrusts dave rolled over and lit a smoke while Tamara stoop up tp prevent pregnancy.
After this romantic encounter Tamara and Dave were at it like rabbits. At their parents houses,cubby houses behind the basketball courts, parties. The most signifigant time being at another bush party thrown by Hamo. Tamara had drank 3 jim beam and cokes and she assured everyone at the party that she was legless. So messed up that she decided to ask everyone to watch her and her equally frunl friend shelly make out . Daved expressed how awesome he thought it was because he digs girl on girls shit. He asked both girls in to the bush but Shelley had to puke. So off went Tamara and dave to roll in the bush amongst the sticks and broken bottles. From away you could hear their friend yelling out 'their gunna fuck....stick it in her!' which he sure did.
Four week after this incidentTamara s mum bought her mothly supply of libra fluers,making tamara realise that she did not have her rags yet.She freaked out and called Dave in Hysterics. They agreed to meet at Cessnock chemist and bought a pregnancy test. They took the test in the public toilet of cessnock mall. It revealed that Tamara was in fact pregnant. The told their parents and she cried for days and days. Until Dave come to deliver some good news,their going to get $5000 from the government Tamaras tears dried up immediately. 'Sweet!!!!"
Tamara was four weeks pregnant and could not possibly carry on at her part time job at the local super market deli in her fragile heavily pregnant state.Dave quit school and started working part time as a trolley boy at coles, a tamara organised so he could support the baby.Tamara stayed at school and to make sure she did her very best she got her mother to do all her home work and assignments for her.

Nine months later Tamara gave birth to a boy they named jaiden. After Jaidens birth Dave moved in with Tamara and her family. They lived their for 5 years until they found a nice flat in the heart of cessnock.bTamara felt she was ready to return to the workforce this time as chechout chich at Target part time while dave worked at a petrol station..part time also.
Two years later shortly after Jaiden turned 7 Tamara found out she was going to have another baby which meant another $5000. With the new money they rented themselves a new plasma t-v and a case of jack daniels.
Dave realised he'd better pop the question. Luckily Prouds was having a sale and he bought her a really nice kind of gold ring with what looked like a diamond for $300.
Tamara accepted Daves proposal and soon enough her waters broke all over daves knee that he had got down on.
After 6 hours in labour Tamara held her new baby girl Mercedes in her arms. A few days later Mercedes was taken home to her new home. Tamara and dave now realised that they had it all twon sort of healthy kids (tamara smoked through both pregnancies) a fridge full of frozen food and rented plazma t-v and each other.

i know i cant have an opinion on this but.......

ok,i know that i dont have kids and have never been pregnant but exactly what is the right age to stop beast feeding? because about a month ago i saw something that has been turning my stomach ever since.
I was on the train to work and i saw a very sweet family board two very cute little blue eyed blonde girls one around 3 the around 6. They sat across from the younger one waving and eating tiny teddys. I found myself going 'awwww i want kids'. That s until she turned around ripped her mums top down pulled her tits over and started sucking on it like it contained oxygen all the while making eye contact with myself and other awkward feeling passengers. The calmly looked out the window as nothing was happening completely oblivious to the mortified onlookers. After she was finished she threw the boob back at her mum and continued eating her tiny teddies. Trying to be polite i looked away as if nothing had happened but just as i turned my head to see what station i was at, the kid decided she needed some milk to wash down those cookies. So again down came the shirt out came those nipples and there goes the little girl like a milk sucking vampire. This happened 3 more times each time as gross as the last. The whole time the mother glancing out the window.
So am i wrong in saying that the kid is waaaaay to old to be on the tit? I mean she could walk and talk and eat fucking tiny teddies AND she reach over and access the tit herself surely she can drink from a bottle. Its sooo wrong.

although on foxtel there was a woman who breast feeds her 12 year old, i guess thats wierder

Sunday, April 11, 2010

heres a list of things i hate

  • tights as pants: how does anyone think that this looks good? i have never seen anyone pull this off (except for peggy bundy)especially with the stupd friggen roman sandals and baggy vests.there is nothing flattering about exposing your uterus to the world. cleavage is sexy not vagina lips.
  • remakes: leave the classics alone
  • being told smoking is bad for me: no shit haters
  • facebook updates that expect sympathy: seriously go make some real friends
  • people dressing like cool kids from pauly shore movies: didnt work then doesnt work now
  • teenagers who discover punk rock: i myself went through phase and it is as lame now as it was back then
  • that motherfucker who cut me off as i asking john waters a question: you are so dead!
  • eating disorders: hasnt it been proven that they dont work! puke as much as you want you'll still be fat
  • not getting toys for christmas: still pisses me off
  • pap smears:...
  • loling: are you really?
  • matther mcconaughy and kate hudson moves: i wonder what differences they will overcome next
  • the bitches at the mac counter: i have money i know what i want so fucking serve me
  • people who are keeping 2 and half men on the air: what have you done to your brain cells?

what the fuck germans?

today i created a blog so i can rant. i love to rant you see. also i rented 'otto:or up with the dead' and am wondering if anyone else is 'what the fucking' while the watch it?

stay posted for babbling